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love story 戀愛小說,愛情故事。

love struck

I mean , how many classic chinese love stories can you tell 我的意思是,他們能講述多少個中國式愛情故事?

It ' s a love story for our time 會有我們時代的愛情故事

When our love story has already vanished , it won ' t star again 當我們的愛情故事已經消失,它將不會在重來

That love story is very romantic 那個愛情故事非常浪漫。

A group of korean artists showing 8 different love stories 一眾韓星傾力為您譜出八種各具特色的愛情故事

So you ' re saying there ' s a love story 你們說會有愛情故事

The discussion about the characteristics of li hanqiu ' s social love story 論李涵秋社會言情小說的特點

Please complete your love story 讓你的愛情故事有完美的結局

A very touching and humrous love story in korea 好比熾熱的愛情,按捺不住地,迸裂而出,撒得滿天都是

The narrative style in the love story of 愛情小說的敘事體式

A new view about the love story between xu zhimo and lin huiyin 梁思成先生與中國的歷史遺產保護事業

He entitled the book “ love story “ 他把書取名為《愛的故事》 。

And we shall experience love stories that will last forever 我們還將會體驗到千古不朽的愛情故事。

The cultural perspective of love story of ming and qing dynasties 明清才子佳人小說的情愛文化視界

Why ? the love story become this now 為什麼愛情故事會變成這樣

The new book is entitled love story 這本新書名叫《愛情故事》 。

Not an expose , a real love story 這不是炒作,而是真實的愛情故事

Try to open the class of appreciating english america love story 開展英美愛情文學賞析課的嘗試

Escape and rebellion - the feeling in the marriage and love stories of wusi 婚戀小說中的情與愛